Johnny Winter 1944-2014

When I was a wee lad of about 14 years old, I ran across a 12” vinyl album at a flea market for 50 cents. That album was Johnny Winter And……Live. In my opinion, Johnny (Brother of Edgar Winter) was one of the greatest bluesmen and guitarists to ever bend a string. He...

The Art of Living

“If you are going to have someone tell you how to live, make sure that they know more about living than you do.” – Dr. Glenn Morris, founder of Hoshin Budo What does this have to do with training? Well, the word “live” kinda covers everything in the quote above...

Metal Music Monday, July 14 2014

Continuing with last weeks Southern Metal taste, let’s look at another band of outlaws from Texas who is out there killing it on the road right now.  They are, in my opinion, one of the best bands I have ever heard or seen and definitely my favorite act I have...
Thursday Tip: Mastery of Strength

Thursday Tip: Mastery of Strength

 A recent conversation with Grandmaster Strongman Dennis Rogers got me to thinking.  Truly being strong, both internally and externally, has to do with living well and enjoying your life regardless of conditions that you can’t control. When you are strong, you are...

Metal Music Monday 7-7-14

I draw inspiration from many places. I have always loved good music. You may or may not know that I was once a professional guitar player and that I played in several different bands in my teens and 20s. Lots of people ask me on Facebook, Twitter and on the road what...

Italian adventures 2014: Part One

No surprises here, but the Italian adventure was awesome. Many thanks to Fabio and Thomas for organizing not one, not two, but THREE great events. Thanks to DLAB photography for capturing the Metal.   SFG level 2- We had about 40 people in attendance and  they...