No surprises here, but the Italian adventure was awesome. Many thanks to Fabio and Thomas for organizing not one, not two, but THREE great events. Thanks to DLAB photography for capturing the Metal.
SFG level 2- We had about 40 people in attendance and they absolutely ROCKED it. It makes me very happy to see a group of folks so well prepared.
Kettlebell games- This was an event unlike anything else I have ever seen. Fabio and myself presenting material about the getup and Oleh Ilika, Master of Sport International Class and holder of multiple world records, taught some of the principles and techniques of Girevoy Sport. There were several GS events and also a Tactical Strength Challenge.

Joker Team making KBs fly
I also met and got to perform with Denis and Roberto of the world-class kettlebell juggling Joker Team. Give them some Facebook love by going here:
Lords of Steel- This was the first time that Fabio and I have had the poortunity to teach together without the pressure of a curriculum or testing people for certification. It was very much a rock and roll show, from the opening practice until the after party with the band.
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