Original Strength

I wanna share a couple of stories with you. 1. I injured my knee at the Primal Move instructor training in 2012. I believe that sitting and moving on the floor with my knees in deep flexion under load was the root cause, but I am not sure. Squatting became painful,...

Greetings from Belfast

      I thought I would share a few wee photos from the trip I am on. Here is a shot I took of the Northern Coast of Ireland.  As amazing as the photo is, the real thing is even more majestic. I ain’t gonna try to describe it. You must go there.     This is part...

Doing the Impossible: Intuition

I was talking with someone the other day and he pointed out that a a lot of the stuff that I (and more importantly my students, colleagues, mentors and the other people who inspire me) do is stuff that “normal” people would insist will either: A. Hurt me...

Bent Press Book update……

I am very excited that the book I have been writing that covers the bent press is almost done. The working title is Taming the Bent Press: A Guide to the King Of Lifts.                                     I have been tediously putting the photos (like these sweet-ass...

Johnny Winter 1944-2014

When I was a wee lad of about 14 years old, I ran across a 12” vinyl album at a flea market for 50 cents. That album was Johnny Winter And……Live. In my opinion, Johnny (Brother of Edgar Winter) was one of the greatest bluesmen and guitarists to ever bend a string. He...