Summer Adventure Part Two: RKC Italy

    June 8-10 was RKC Italy.   This was the first time I had traveled to Italy and I am very grateful to have been teaching alongside Pavel and Master RKC peter Lakatos.   I also got to work with my Italian brother Fabio Zonin, who not only taught, but organized and...

Summer Adventure Part One: Ireland

May 18-20 was RKC in Belfast. It was a small group and the instructors were Fabio Zonin, SRKC and me. We had lots of fun teaching, lifting at Centaur (Including THIS VIDEO, but I am too technologically challenged to upload it here.) and eating. I even taught Fabio how...

The Avengers

As a child, my mind was intimately and permanently affected by comics. Retreating into a world of imagination where super powers were rampant and battles were fought and won by the strength of character was such a part of my childhood that I literally cannot imagine...

Fallen Goals

1st Quarter Goals set and accomplished at Nashville Kettlebell so far in 2012 (in no particular order): George Walker 1) Secret Service Snatch Test w/24kg; 2) TGU w/40kg (both sides); 3) learn to Bent Press Melissa Melton: 1) Snatch Test w/16kg; 2) Ropes for 10...

Pain in the Neck

I was in pain. I was also frustrated, angry, disappointed and frankly a little scared. But mostly it was pain. My wife, who has known me for 13 years said she had never seen me like this before. One week before I was supposed to compete in my first powerlfting meet,...