May 18-20 was RKC in Belfast.

It was a small group and the instructors were Fabio Zonin, SRKC and me.

We had lots of fun teaching,

lifting at Centaur (Including THIS VIDEO, but I am too technologically challenged to upload it here.)

and eating.

I even taught Fabio how to bend his very first horseshoe.

While normally it is unusual for me to be at a loss for words, I gotta tell you every time I have started to write about this experience I have just floundered and stalled.  Everything about Ireland from the food to the history to the people (ESPECIALLY the people) was so wonderful I am having a hard time describing it. I was treated like a long lost family member who had returned home.


My new favorite hoodie is monogrammed. That’s right, it says Iron Tamer in Gaelic.

It is good to be home, but I miss my Irish and Italian brothers.

Next stop: RKC Italy…..