It’s no secret that since Pavel Tsatsouline and Dragon Door introduced America to kettlebells ten years ago, their popularity has steadily grown. The RKC is original and STILL most comprehensive kettlebell certification in the industry. Every year we improve, evolve and polish the system, constantly striving to make it better and better. Much of this depends answering questions that come to us.
As a part of the faculty of this School of Strength, I have a question for you:
What do YOU want to know? About Kettlebells? About HARDSTYLE? About the RKC? About Power to the People? About stretching and moblity? About strength in general? Moving better? Fat loss? About what sets the RKC and Pavel apart from all the imitators and wannabees?
Post in the comments below, email me, ask on facebook, whatever you want, but I wanna know YOUR questions so that we can all continue to grow.
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