3 of the 4 fatalities.
Dec 20th, 2010 5:10pm. That is when i finally bent my very first Iron Mind Red Nail.
Three of its brethren followed over the next hour. This is a pretty significant PR for me.
Back in September I bent my first grade 8 bolt and shortly after that asked Jedd Johnson how long he thought it would take to get to the Red Nail. He said a few weeks and that the most crucial issue would be the 7 inch length, because practically all my short bending has been at 6 inch length.
I found a company literally a block from Nashville Kettlebell, my base of operations in Music City and placed an order for some 7 inch stock at 1/4″ (same as the 60d nails I am very comfortable with) and 5/16″ diameter (same as the Red Nail). Once I got back from Australia I began seriously pursuing the 5/16″ steel and got my first one after about 2 weeks. The first one took me about 6 minutes. After a few training sessions they got much easier to deal with in terms of both effort and time.
I ordered some Red Nails and they arrived yesterday. Straight out of the box I crushed 3 of them, then about 20 minutes later I went for another and killed it as well.
I have to give thanks to Dennis Rogers who always has the exact advice I need, Mike the Machine Bruce for his encouragement and infectious enthusiasm and of course Jedd, for sharing many of the tips from his Nail Bending DVD with me. Trust me, Jedd’s DVD is excellent in the Diesel tradition and if you want to learn the modern bending trechniques, he is the guy who not only wrote the book, but also filmed the DVD on how to do it.
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