Yesterday I was at Nashville Kettlebell with a couple of local RKC instructors, Jay Cannon, who regularly trains with me and Matt McBryde from Tennessee Kettlebell.

We were working on some new stuff and I put a double kettlebell complex on Jay that looked kinda like this:
Swing + clean + press + squat, all done continuously without setting the weights down. Jay worked up to 5 reps of each drill and was really feeling the effects of it by the time he finished.

I have to admit, it was inspired by my good friend and fellow Master RKC Geoff “Noop-Dog” Neupert.

Last year the Noop-Dog gave me an advanced sneak preview of his new book Kettlebell Muscle, The Secrets of Compound Kettlebell Lifting which is FULL of complexes and step-by-step programming on how to put it all together. This book is now available for public consumption HERE.

Wanna know more? Good news: We are having a FREE call Thursday night where I’ll be grilling Geoff with YOUR questions about his new book.

Here’s what you need to do now:

1. Ask the Noop-Dog your biggest question about “The Secrets to Faster Gains In Strength And Power” by clicking on the link below:

2. Copy down the following information

=> When: Thursday, June 10th, 2010, 8pm EST, 5pm PST

=> Where: (919) 424-5871, Conference ID: 890301#
    (Local numbers:

3. Get on the call 10 minutes early – we got 100 lines available and they’ll fill up fast!