We will be having the Grand Opening of the Nashville Kettlebell Training Hall ( Known as Uncle Iron Tamer’s House of Hardstyle to many of you ) on Saturday June 26th from 11 am until 2 pm.

The location is: 944 4th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37210.

Consider this your invitation to come be a part of celebrating our new home! We are  Nashville’s longest running kettlebell program (I have been teaching since 2003 and Nashville Kettlebell has been running since 2005) and now we are the largest kettlebell training hall in middle TN.

There will be demonstrations of everything we do: Kettlebells? Of course! Come and see first hand why the RKC system  is the Gold Standard of safe and effective kettlebell training from the only RKC Master Instructor in the South. Come and meet our other RKC local instructors and a BUNCH of our  Nashville Kettlebell class members.


In addition to that, there will be demonstrations of Indian clubs, Battling Ropes, the Functional Movement Screen and feats of strength.

Prizes will be awarded in random drawings. What are the prizes? T-shirts and DVDs.   2 one-month class memberships. A Functional Movement Screen session and a grand prize of a three-month FREE membership.

I am also giving a special prize (to be announced) to the current member  who brings the MOST other people to the open house. Plus t-shirts and other prizes.

We will have fun, we always do. It’s mandatory. Tell a buddy, bring a friend and I look forward to seeing you there.