by irontamer | May 4, 2010 | Blog
I got in from CA last night after Sunday’s workshop with Rif and Tracy. I had been in contact with my wife every couple of hours and we got between 13 and 16 inches of rain– More than the average for the MONTH of May—in less than 48 hours. I always try to get an aisle...
by irontamer | May 4, 2010 | Blog
I got in from CA last night after Sunday’s workshop with Rif and Tracy. I had been in contact with my wife every couple of hours and we got between 13 and 16 inches of rain– More than the average for the MONTH of May—in less than 48 hours. I always...
by irontamer | Apr 30, 2010 | Blog
What is strength? In the RKC we define it as “the ability to produce force under a given set of circumstances.” “Magic is practice”- Houdini. The same can be said for strength. “Practice makes perfect” is inaccurate. So is “perfect practice makes...
by irontamer | Apr 26, 2010 | Blog
Mr FUNTASTIC with a kettlebell in his hand and a smile on his face, living HARDSTYLE! Big congrats to Marcus Hooper, RKC for becoming the newest member of Nashville Kettlebell to join the ranks of the leading kettlebell instructor certification on the planet, the RKC!...
by irontamer | Apr 26, 2010 | Blog
Team Iron Tamer RKC April 2010 We’ve wrapped up another great RKC weekend in St. Paul MN. There was an unsually high number of ladies this time, and they showed up STRONG. These shotes are from the Graduation workout, led by Jon Engum, Sr. RKC. A...
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