Function and Performance are NOT the same thing

You’d think that a very high level athlete would by definition have functional movement patterns, right? An athlete who performs well is very often  not functional, but is very good at compensating. Function and Performance are NOT the same thing. Here are a a...

Summit of Strength in review

      Redneck Ninja, Tamer, Neup-Dog and the Legendary Brett Jones If you missed it, then you missed it. The Summit of Strength was an event that I had very high expectations for, and it surpassed those expectations. Envisioned by the Redneck Ninja and organized by...

They are ready!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you not one….. but two NEW DVDs shot live without a net in Sunnyvale CA. Do you want to learn  how to use the old-time strongmen’s methods to take your own training to levels you hadn’t imagined? This DVD is a...

Nashville Kettlebell in Nashville Lifestyles Magazine

Nashville Lifestyles magazine did a short piece on the new Nashville Kettlebell training hall for the August 2010 issue. Grab a copy and check it out If you want the best kettlebell workout experience you can possibly have, taught by a Master RKC Certified instructor,...

Movement: The Book

Been travelin’ a lot. In fact I am in Omaha as write this, discussing Gray Cook’s new book Movement with Mark Snow, RKC. TONS of paradigm shifting information, flowing from a very simple premise: “Screen movement patterns before you train them....