
RKC instructors from Nashville Kettlebell and Tennesee Kettlebell will be joining forces on Jan 1st 2011 at 1:11pm ( clever, huh?) for the Hardstyle Hangover Cure at Nashville Kettlebell 944 4th ave south. Don’t wait until Monday Jan 3rd to get started on your...

An email from Jedd

Irontamer, I just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your DVD, Lessons from the Oldtime Strongmen.  Anyone who wants to “try their hands” at feats of strength like Nail Bending, Card and Phone Book Tearing, and Horse Shoe Bending will enjoy...

Red Nails Die

Dec 20th, 2010 5:10pm. That is when i finally bent my very first Iron Mind Red Nail. Three of its brethren followed over the next hour. This is a pretty significant PR for me. Back in September I bent my first grade 8 bolt and shortly after that asked Jedd Johnson how...

FREE strength gifts!

It’s almost Christmas, which means ’tis the season…..for Giving. In that spirit, I’ve teamed up with two of my friends who happen to be great strength coaches for a Holiday Strength Info Giveaway! http://www.freestrengthgifts.com/ These two...

Hey everybody. Can you believe it is Christmas week already??  A few quick things: This week’s schedule will be normal EXCEPT Thursday noon and 5:30pm class, and Friday 6am will be off. The noon class is open and proving to be a very popular option. Regular...