My Kettlebell and Kungfu breathing connection

Last time in the post about Sifu Louie Jack Man I gave a quick overview of my history and experience with Jook Lum Southern Mantis Kungfu.   Jook Lum Southern mantis was an influence on Okinawan karate and is considered both a soft and a hard style. Sombogin (...

Sifu Louie Jack Man

I recently posted on Facebook about the passing of Louie Jack Man, a master of Jook Lum Gee Tong Long Pai, (translated:  Bamboo Forest Temple Praying Mantis Family) a traditional Chinese kungfu system, which (along with a couple of other systems) is often referred to...

Ladies: Why should you get stronger?

This is what a strong girl looks like. She does getups with 20kg. She does squat and press with double 14kg. She swings 40kg for sets of 10. She weighs 129, down from 138 Nov 1st. She has no fear of bulkng...

Kettlebell Express

My good friend and fellow Master RKC Geoff Neupert is running a Black Friday sale on his Kettlebell Express product. No long post from me here, i want you to have time to get your copy! Click HERE...

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my fellow Americans: I  hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was great. Saturday we got together with my family. After spending part of my birthday (Wed) driving, have been spending time with my in-laws. I went in to Nashville Kettlebell for my birthday...