First of all, it is pronounced just like “Allen”, don’t let the old-school Scottish spelling fool you. Here are some of his thoughts on fat loss, present in the ever-so-gentle Cosgrove fasion..
Here are a few basic truths about fat loss that no one really wants to hear:
- Think about the foods that you are about to consume. Are they going to bring you closer to your goal? Or will they make you feel like crap and take you farther away from what you want? Yeah, I know that when you were younger before you had kids you could eat blah, blah, blah and not gain weight. Too bad. Times have changed.
- You do not need something sweet to finish your meal. This is a conditioned response from your childhood days when cleaning your plate meant ice cream. “Need” something sweet? Do you realize how much you just ate? You don’t need anything. Dessert is not a physiological need for survival. It is just a bad habit. Habits can be broken. You do not need the cheesecake.
- Cookies, doughnuts, and muffins are crap food choices. You can’t ever justify eating them on a regular basis. And low carb, fat-free cookies, doughnuts, and muffins are still crap. Don’t kid yourself.
- Yes, you can eat fast food. It’s called grilled chicken sandwiches or a turkey sub, Jarod. Fries? No. And you do not need to “super size” for an extra 50 cents.
If you want to eat whatever you want, you have two choices.
1) Move a lot. A LOT.
2) Gain weight, get fat, accept it, and stop complaining.
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