Workshops and Appearances


Why should you attend a David Whitley Kettlebell Workshop?

You’ve read the books.  You’ve seen the videos. You’ve tried the exercises. But you know there is something missing.  You know there are some things you aren’t doing exactly right or are afraid to try because you just aren’t sure of the right way to do them.

You need help. Does the following sound like you?

  • Do you want to become stronger, leaner and healthier than you have ever been?
  • Does your lower back hurt after doing kettlebell snatches and swings? ( If it is, you are doing something wrong.)
  • Have you been at it for a while and can’t figure out why you are still banging up your wrists and forearms on kettlebell snatches and cleans? ( Gutting out a long set of snatches is a badge of toughness. Bruised forearms are not.)
  • Do you want an instructor who knows how to teach proper kettlebell training in a hands-on format that anyone can understand?
  • Are you a complete beginner and you want to ensure that you learn the proper technique to minimize the likelihood of injuries while maximizing your progress?
  • Would you like to work with a recognized instructor who is endorsed by some of the top strength coaches and kettlebell experts in the world, including Pavel Tsatsouline?
  • Are you serious about kettlebell training and want to learn how to get the most productive possible workout in the least amount of time?
  • “I think you are the best out as far as teaching and putting stuff together. I learn more from you in 4 hours than a full workshop with (former SrRKC, no longer with the organization, name edited out to prevent any aggressiveness). You got me to snatch an 88. I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass. I have almost all the Dragon Door DVD and books. I just like the way you teach alot better than anyone else, and the 2 programs you sent me were awesome.”
    -Brian Lattimer, DC West Virginia

    “David Whitley is a knowledgeable, experienced girevik and he is also an excellent teacher. I’ve been exploring the terrain of functional fitness for a few years now, and I can honestly say that David is responsible for many of the breakthroughs I’ve experienced along the way. He has really helped me make great strides in my technique. Kettlebell lifting requires acute attention and focus to make the most out of a workout and to minimize the painful effects of falling iron. David does a great job of accessing his victim’s ability and meshing that appropriately with his victim’s goals. You’ll learn from him, and, as you struggle to climb stairs the next day, you’ll wonder how such subtle changes in your routine could have uncovered your weaknesses!”-
    Johnny Bird, Nashville, TN

    “Your workshop was very well done and you had a great attention to detail. It was very helpful for me to see someone who has trained with the best. There’s only so much you can get from watching the videotapes. I would definitely recommend your workshops.”
    -Pete Ragsdale, personal trainer, Nashville TN

    “David is a top-notch instructor.  He was quickly able to improve my technique on several exercises, especially the snatch.  He pushed me just hard enough to set some new PR’s but not so hard I was hating him later.  He also did a great job presenting to the folks that had never handled a kettlebell before.  And had them in great form by the end of the workshop.  He presents things in a safe, easy to apply progression and showed us some new evil drills.  Oh, and of course he also was able to “walk the talk” by demonstrating great strength and flexibility.  I am looking forward to my next workshop with him.”
    – P. J. Wilson, D.C., Weston, WV

    There aren’t enough great things I can say about David.  In short, he is a trainer extraordinaire.  I have had the opportunity to work with David one-on-one as well as a participant in his bootcamps and workshops. Every time I work with David, I come away with improved technique, an increase in my physical and mental strength, and having learned something new. He is a remarkable teacher and has something to share with everyone, whether you’re relatively new to fitness or a world-class athlete.  In addition to being extremely well versed in kettlebell training, David’s understanding of human physiology and massage make him an even more valuable resource, especially if you are recovering from an injury or just plain sore after one his killer workouts.  If you are serious about getting stronger, this is a man you should know!
    -Naina Bhasin, Ph.D.


    April 8, 2010-
    Averett University, Danville, VA
    Strongman Performance

    April, 23-25 2010
    St. Paul MN
    RKC Instructor Course
    Click HERE for Details

    May, 2 2010-
    Sunnyvale, CA
    Kettlebell Workshop with Master RKC Mark Reifkind and RKC Tracy Reifkind
    Click HERE for details

    May 15th, 2010-
    Brentwood/Nashville, TN
    HKC Instructor Course
    Click HERE for details

    July, 31 2010-
    Omaha, NE
    HKC Instructor Course
    Click HERE for details

    August 21-21 2010 Edmond, Oklahoma
    Way of Strength Training Center
    Strength Summit: Two-Day Kettlebell Workshop with Master RKC Brett Jones, Master RKC Jeff O’Connor and Master RKC Geoff Neupert
    Click HERE for Details

    September 11th, 2010-
    Viginia Beach, VA
    HKC Instructor Course
    Click HERE for details

    September 18th, 2010-
    Tallahassee, FL
    HKC Instructor Course
    Click HERE for details

    Please check back or email me at if you’d like to host a workshop or book me for a show in your area.