Been travelin’ a lot. In fact I am in Omaha as write this, discussing Gray Cook’s new book Movement with Mark Snow, RKC.
TONS of paradigm shifting information, flowing from a very simple premise: “Screen movement patterns before you train them. Training poor movement patterns reinforces poor qualityand creates greater risk of injury. If you identify poor movement patterns, you can correct them with simple exercises, later rechecking against the baseline.”
Now this may seem like a “Duh”, but how many people involved in fitness actually do this? A reliable, objective method of screening and assessing movement to make sure we aren’t doing more harm than good with our programming. To get the most out of any movement training, whether it be corrective or simply “correct” (learning and practicing a movement for improved capacity) we need an experienced eyes to evaluate and guide us. One of my favorite parts of my recent travels was having MRKC Jeff O’Connor watch and critique my swing, my getup, my bent press and my Indian Club technique. He spotted several things that I could be doing better because he has a differnt eye than me, even though we both look for the same things. The differnce is objectivity.
It is critical not to let the personal pride componant interfere with the truth about our own movement. We cannot screen ourselves as effectively as someone else can for the same reasons that a psychiatrist should not treat his own mental issues. The objective eye, the standard measurement offered by the Functional Movement Systems has begun to set a new standard in how movement is viewed.
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