For several years now I have had some issues with my right knee. I am not sure of the cause, but it has been around for a long time (since before i became an RKC) and probably goes back to prefessional wrestling or high school football. Doesn’t matter WHY. What matters is that completely straightening the knee has been impossible for several years and it was getting worse. It was to the point that swings and deadlifts, even presses and pullups would cause pain in the opposite hip.
On Thursday, Jan 6th I had my knee scoped. I showed up at the surgery center where they dressed me like a lunch lady.

Serving up Tots with yer Sloppy Joe's.
The anesthesiologist put a little shot into my IV and after that I don’t remember much. Since the Doc was literally grinding pieces of bone out with a tiny little surgical version of a drimmell tool, I am good with being unconscious. They gave me a sheet of cool slides of what was going on inside my knee, here is one of them depicting the demise of the offending bone spur:

I'm glad i was asleep for this.....
A little while later I was laid up on my couch, leg wrapped like Boris Karloff, contemplating the cinematic excellence of Twilight. This of course is the saga of one young girl’s choice between necrophilia and bestiality. Thankfully I was on pain medication and it is just a blur to me. This began a 4 day long stretch of TV watching and internet browsing, most of which I do not remember.

The Mummy LIVES!
At the follow-up appointment on Monday I got the full story. On the MRI there was some worn cartilage and a bone spur. Once he got inside, the Doc trimmed piece of slightly torn cartilage, fixed the spur, noticed another spur that was hiding from the MRI (and probably causing more touble than the first one) dealt with it and found a loose pice of cartilage that was just “floating around in there, looking to cause trouble”. It as given a new home as well. As a way of saying “thanks” I bent a nail for the Doc.
This week I have rehab stuff to do to recover my range of motion and wake up my quad. I am feeling good about it and looking forward to getting back to being strong.
I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me well-wishes via phone call, email, facebook, twitter and and carrier pigeon. I appreciate it!
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