Well. Very well, in fact, thanks for asking.
Last week before departure to CT last thursday I tipped the scale at 267.5lbs. I started at about 276 on the Friday before going headfirst into the WD, which was one day shy of 5 weeks.
Of course the scale is about the lousiest measure of what is really going on with a body. Up until Saturday I was feeling really strong and was puting the hurt on a half dozen or more phonebooks a day in addition to swings, pullups and other Hardstyle excursions.
This cold has whipped my ass for the past few days and I have been over hydrating to be safe. I have also had practically no appetite. This morning I was an even 270lbs. I feel my strength returning, which is good because I gotta go to Texas and St. Paul back-to-back weekends very soon.
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