I got an email from Gina, one of our long-time clients at Nashville Kettlebell. She’s a physician’s assistant who is being led to go do some mission work in Haiti. Rather than do a long explanation myself, I am reprinting Gina’s email below.

If you can help out, please give to the cause. Some of us at Nashville Kettlebell have already contributed. I hope you can do the same.

“Hey Dave,

I am writing to you in need of your help. For several months God has been pulling on my heart to serve him in a way that will be life changing for many. At the end of March I will be traveling to Haiti on a medical mission trip. As you all know, I am a Physician Assistant and have been given the talent to help heal others.

On January 12, 2010, at approximately 5 p.m. local time, Haiti was struck by an earthquake of 7.0 magnitude. Thousands continue to need medical treatment, healing and supplies that I can offer. I will be staying in an orphanage with approximately 140 children. The conditions are primitive, however, I am blessed to have the Lord on my side and to have the gift that I can help with this ongoing catastrophe. I will be treating patients in a clinic along side other healthcare volunteers and physicians. This will also be an amazing opportunity to learn about the medicinal treatment in a third world country.

I am asking for your help in funding for this amazing Opportunity I was given. Any amount will help with this journey that I have chosen. I cannot do this without your help. If you can please make a donation to me for costs and supplies so that I can continue to serve the Lord and the unfortunate lives of the ones of Haiti. Contributions can be made directly to http://ginabarletta.chipin.com/medical-mission-trip-to-haiti .

Once again, I need your help. This trip is extremely important to me and I am so excited to be part of this. I look forward to sharing my journey with each of you when I return for without you this mission would not be possible.

In Him,
