

I hope your Thanksgiving was EPIC. I hope you enjoyed good company, reflected on the things for which you are grateful and ate ALL THE THINGS.

Now I have a few things I want you to consider:

Do you wanna get stronger? Get leaner? Prepare for a certification? Learn feats of strength? Learn meditation and breathing techniques? Any combination of those things?

I ain’t gonna hard sell you on this. Here’s the deal: I am taking TEN new online training clients and running a special of $99 for one month. After the first month you may choose continue at the rate of $350/ month (or you may choose to cancel).  That is a 70% discount, in case (like me) you don’t math good.

That first month will begin  DECEMBER 2014. This is a perfect jumpstart to your 2015 goals.

What’s included?

  • Complete customized training plan tailored to YOUR goals.
  • Complete nutrition plan.
  • Weekly email support.
  • Custom video coaching as needed.

This special deal will run thru Saturday November 29th 2014 and will end at 12 midnight, central time Sunday November 30th or until ten spots are sold, whichever comes first.