Swings and getups? That’s boring….

I have said many times that the running joke among my colleagues is a BEGINNER workshop covers swing and getups…. an INTERMEDIATE workshop may cover snatches, jerks, press, whatever…. an ADVANCED workshop is swings and getups. If you think the program...

Hardstyle for Haiti

On Saturday, February 13th, we had 14 people come out to swing some kettlebells, do some getups and raise some money for the Red Cross. Together we raised over $1000! Mandy shot some photos, but my technologically-impaired self has not yet been able to load them onto...

Hardstyle for Haiti

On Saturday, February 13th, we had 14 people come out to swing some kettlebells, do some getups and raise some money for the Red Cross. Together we raised over $1000! Mandy shot some photos, but my technologically-impaired self has not yet been able to load them onto...

Indian Clubs?

I’ll admit that I know little more than nothing about Indian Clubs. When I found out that Dragon Door was going to host an Indian Club Certification with Dr. Ed Thomas I was interested but honestly didn’t think much about it.  I didn’t plan to go....

Welcome aboard

We have welcomed a few new people into class as official members in the past couple of months, so I want to take a moment to OFFICIALLY welcome Michelle, Audrey, Mark, Ivan and Alex into the NKB club!