Mike the Machine Bruce is a good friend and fellow student of Dennis Rogers. He excels at many feats of strength including deadlifting 500lbs for 15 reps and the undisputed World’s Strongest Neck.
Mike has developed phenomenal pullup ability and in his DVD Spread Your Wings and Fly Away, he details the methods he has used to build not only his own pulling power, but also that of his clients at his gym the Machine Shop.
“Why Pullups?”
As the Machine says at the beginning of the DVD, the pullup separates the men from the boys. No amount of yanking on a lat pulldown cable will ever give you the strength, the power or the development that pulling yourself on a bar will.
“What if I cannot do a single pullup?”
Mike has got you covered with an easy to follow progression that can be scaled to anyone’s level of ability, including partner assisted pulls and negatives, all the way up thru weighted pullup progressions.
“Pullups are easy for me”
Maybe you have already done some time on the bar and can do pull-ups with ease. If you are feeling especially strong, try your hand at some of the advanced variations in the Bonus section, “Clangin’ and Bangin’”. Watch Mike do one finger pull-ups, weighted pulls, clapping pull-ups, rope climbs and lots of other amazing pullup variations.
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