Man!  What an awesome time we all had at the CK-FMS  (Certified Kettlebell Functional Movement Specialist) workshop last weekend. This was my 2nd time through. The first time I was NOT ready to receive the info and it took 40-50  screens for me  to get comfortable and start to understand things.

I was on a team that was to be led by the Chief Instructor Pavel. OK, that’s cool. When he found out about it he decided to delegate leadership responsibility to ME, even going so far as to take a sharpie to the poster with the list of names and mark out “Pavel” and replace it with “Whitley”.


“I am here strictly as a student, Dave.” he told me. ” This is your team.” It was a high quality team, too. Andrew Read from Australia and Andrea DuCane, MRKC were among the members.  Everyone had a great attitude and did a fantastic job applying the HUGE amount of information presented By MRKC Brett Jones and Functional Movement Screen creator Gray Cook.

This was also the first time my wife Mandy had been to MN for an RKC event, so she got to meet a BUNCH of people that she had only heard about or friended on the Facebook, including Tommy Blom the TECHNOVIKING and Joakim Bom from Sweden. I got a crash course in how to speak Swedish. Smorgie Bordie!

The Chief, three Master RKC instructors , three Senior Instructors and at least a dozen Team Leaders, were there along with the Level 1 & 2 instructors, over 120 people in all. It was quite a collection of talent.

The Iron Tamer Clan was in full force and represented by Matt and Kristen McBryde, Mark and Nikki Snow, Dennis Breckey and David Ebert, complete with t-shirts. Mandy even had one with the name “Mrs. Tamer” on back of it.

One of the big takeaways for me was the reminder of the awesomeness of the half kneeling posture as a core activation situation, and deepening my understanding of primitive rolling patterns.

Another was a paradigm shift that Gray introduced me to a few weeks ago in VA.  “Movement is not pure biomechanics; it is BEHAVIOR.” Genius.

Anyway, there’s WAY too much awesome stuff that happened for me to cover it all. I am looking forward to improving my skills and helping all my students and clients move better with the cutting-edge movement system that is CK-FMS.