The RKC is the original and most sought after kettlebell instructor certification in the industry, the gold standard that all the others are imitating. We are known around the world for our attention to detail and for producing the finest kettlebell instructors in the industry.

But the RKC is not for everyone! Not everyone is ready to step up to that level of intensity and commitment. Not everyone wants to pay that kind of price in blood, sweat, tears and money.

So how about all of those otherwise-dedicated coaches, trainers and athletes whoare unable commit to the full-bore RKC, but would still like to be certified in the most important essentials of kettlebell lifting?

Enter the HKC


Exciting News! Dragon Door has just announced that Tennessee Kettlebell in Brentwood, TN is hosting a Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification  with Master RKC instructor Dave Whitley (that’s me) on Saturday May 15th, 2010.

What is the HKC?  It is Pavel’s one-day, entry-level kettlebell instructor certification workshop, the only one with the kind of quality and standards that have made the RKC famous. In other words: it is the real thing.

This is your chance to your chance to join forces with the world’s premier kettlebell instructor training system. 

And if you have your eye attending the RKC, there’s this to consider: Once you have successfully completed the HKC, as an  HKC graduate you may deduct your entire HKC tuition fee from a registration for a future RKC certification workshop, within one year of achieving the HKC. 

Don’t miss out on this. Click here to sign up now and begin your journey toward developing the deep skill you can ONLY get from the Pavel and Dragon Door.

See you there……