I am back from the RKC certification and finally able to relax for a minute. Oh, wait that’s not true….I have a TON of stuff to catch up on before I can relax! I have to get ready for my Nashville TN kettlebell workshop this weekend (Oct. 18th) and then in 2 weeks I am off to Tokyo, speading the Hardstyle message like Godzilla.

Several folks who I have trained attended the cert, and I was proud to see them go thru the process and have the experience that is RKC.

On Saturday after teaching the snatch I led the group thru Kenneth Jay’s Max VO2 snatch workout and allowed them to earn their lunch.
It was great to see old friends too, like Jeff O’Conner, Brett Jones and Pavel.

Delaine “of Pain” Ross, performing a deadlift with 2x48kg Kettlebells. I hope this help destroy the myth of lifting heavy causing women to bulk up.

I got a lot more stuff to post about it, I’ll be following up soon.

Congrats to all the new RKC instructors and I look forward to seeing you again at the RKC Level Two in June.